About Me

My photo
Nairobi, Sinai Slum, Kenya
I am a widow and a teacher, and I feel and care for the needy children. I love them as my own sons and daughters. I want to give them a real home and with the basic needs covered.Would you like to help us and make it possible?

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Check Up at the Hospital

Today we visit to the hospitalThey have done blood tests to the childrenThursday they give us the results, but for now we have some medicines for the kids.
It was a tough dayToday I'm going to sleep well.
The good news is that they gave us permission to return there for free.

(Catalan: Avui visita a l'hospital. Han fet anàlisis de sang als nens. Dijous ens donen els resultats, pero de moment han donat medicaments a alguns dels nens. 
Ha estat un dia dur! Avui dormiré plana. 
La bona noticia és que ens han donat permís per tornar-hi de forma gratuïta.)